
Science Week Competition Winners

21 November 2023

Congratulations to all staff and students for helping to make Science Week a great success and well done to our prize winners.
Winners of Tuesday’s Competition – 3D Marshmallow Tower:
Eoin Cassidy 2D
Stephen Raleigh 3F
Oran Higgins 2E
Jake Moran 2D
Winners of Wednesday’s Competition – Balloon Rocket:
1st Place – Jimmy Fairless 1A
2nd Place – Cormac O’Cuinn 1D
Winners of the Daily Science Riddle:
Monday – Eoghan Andrews 3E, Rian Cullen 3E and Cathal Griffin 3A
Tuesday – Rex Bolger 3C and Tawheed Haque 5C
Wednesday – Stephen Harney 6D and Josh Doyle 5C
Ms. Fennell and the Science Department