
Transition Year Parents Evening 2023

21 April 2023

It was a pleasure to welcome parents of our Transition Year group into the school last night as part of our TY Parents Evening.

Our TY students put together an exhibition showcasing many of the areas that are incorporated into our TY programme.

The lads also presented some of their portfolio to their parents, peers and teachers. I have received fantastic feedback about the quality of these presentations and I am hugely grateful to our students for the effort they put into the evening.

I want to take this opportunity to thank parents for their continued support. Without this, the year would not be in any way as successful as it is.

A huge thank you is also owed to Mr.Travers and the management team, the  teachers and support staff of our TY group who are so dedicated to the students, the caretakers Anthony, Alan & Timmy who are always on hand to help, and the school secretaries who do so much work behind the scenes.

I have included some images from the evening for you to view.

Thanks again,
