
5th Year Applications for Meitheal 2022-2023

7 March 2022

Any 5th Year student who is interested in applying to be part of the Meitheal Team for 2022-2023, please meet in 2/20 at 1.10 tomorrow to hear information on the application process and Meitheal training programme. Interviews will take place on Monday 14th March. Interviews are conducted and the Meitheal Team is selected by Meitheal Co-ordinator Robert Norton.

Each year, the Meitheal Leaders offer invaluable support to our 1st Year students, helping them settle in to secondary school and we would encourage any aspiring leaders in 5th Year to apply to the Meitheal Programme. This is a fabulous opportunity for the Meitheal Leaders themselves to develop personally and work as part of a team while contributing to school life.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our current Meitheal Leaders and praise them for their wonderful work and positive attitude in mentoring the 1st Years during very challenging times this year.

Many thanks,

Ms. M. Murphy